4 Fantastic Advantages of Aluminium Windows

Modern day apartment with aluminium windows


Upgrading your windows is a decision that needs careful consideration. Like everything in life, nothing is immune to the pitfalls of gradual wear and tear. Fortunately, there is a solution to those worn-out windows.


Aluminium is the material of choice for new windows. This premium grade product is ideal for both residential and commercial properties. For an affordable and long-lasting product, look no further than aluminium.


  1. Impressive Durability

Where other materials will rust away, aluminium windows will last and last. Australia has some of the harshest environments in the world. No matter how hot or cold it gets, our aluminium windows are weather resistant. They won’t crack, split or swell, which ensure longevity in the life of your window. We manufacture a range of aluminium windows including:

When you choose Alternative Doors, your windows will be custom measured and made to your specifications.

We believe in a hassle-free installation that works closely with your needs. Because of this, we are trusted by individuals, families, and leading building companies all around Perth.

  1. Environmentally Friendly

Aluminium is one of most recycled materials in the world, which means it provides a sustainable solution for any property. This is becoming increasingly important for Australian homeowners as we learn more about the dangers of climate change.

Eco-friendliness also means energy savings, and in harsh climates, these savings can be substantial. Heat loss and gain throughout the summer and winter months can be as high as per cent. With energy efficient aluminium windows, you can reduce your reliance on heating and cooling systems.

  1. Complement Your Furnishings

When people think of metal, flexible designs probably don’t come to mind. Fortunately, with aluminium, nothing could be further from the truth! Our aluminium windows can be powder coated to the colour of your choice. Doing this allows us to match the window with your décor and furnishings. Got some furniture or French doors that you want to match your new windows with? No problem!

Aluminium offers a range of design possibilities. If you wish, the material can be left in its finished condition. Choosing a powder coating will not require any re-painting.

  1. Affordable

Aluminium is far less expensive to install than other materials. Installing an aluminium frame will save you time and money both now and in the future. Aluminium is 3 times stronger than PVC and 4 to 5 times stronger than wood. It won’t rust or corrode, so the investment is well worth it.

Finally, aluminium is an economical solution for both commercial and residential buildings that will save you financially in the future.

As Perth’s leading specialist in aluminium windows, Alternative Doors is your go to window manufacturer. Knowledge, experience and trust are what separates us from the rest. If you would like to know about our products or services, contact us today.